Monday, June 15, 2009

Liberal media and censorship/Murder in Little Rock

An American citizen-turned-muslim shot and killed an American soldier in Little Rock, Arkansas recently because we have soldiers in Iraq killing muslims over there.
The news media however squelched the story because Obama was on his way to visit muslim countries and "we" didn't want to offend any of them.
This is a 2-fold outrage:
1. The belief that killing one man here was going to have any effect on those over in Iraq, (just because of your beliefs.) That's not even logical thinking. That's like saying I'm going to pour water over this person here because that person over there needs a bath. Yea, lotta good that will do.
2.The news media censoring the story because it might offend foreigners that our President was visiting.
What about those of us who are offended over here this situation for doing that? (Also for our President bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia. I'd like to see Queen Elizabeth do that!!!)
What about standing up for our own values and our own country?
What about being enraged over someone committing murder? Even the recent killing of the abortion doctor in Wichita is still murder!
This is not a muslim country! Why are we cow-towing to them?
We are so concerned about being so politically correct that we are blinded to real values and truths, especially biblical ones. If you have read this want to know what I really think, write and ask me. (!)

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