Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gosselin hysteria

Ok - My blog, my soap box. :-) I'll state my point first. Cancel the Jon and Kate show and drop the whole thing. Don't revamp and rename. Just drop it.

TV has already done enough to contribute to the demise of that family and marriage. One parent is not totally innocent or totally guilty. So why then "reward" one parent by keeping them in the show, and not the other??? The one they keep is the one that has "misbehaved" more on the TV show than the one they let go!!! Oh, but controversy draws in viewers and therefore makes more money for the company. At the expense of the kids and the family as a whole????? We are an outrageous culture! This is absurd.

I know that single mothers raising a family is a big epidemic in this country. But did you ever stop to think about the family-less fathers??? Not all of them are bad or jerks. They have lost more, in a lot of ways then the family that got left behind. Yes, the children are young and impressionable and need a father and a mother. Yes the mother struggles with raising the kids alone. But did you ever stop to think what a father goes through? Yeah, even the rotten ones. Lots of times they behave the way they do because of guilt.

Does anyone try to reach out to these dads and help them? Here's a novel idea - let's have a reality show that showcases how single fathers, family-less fathers deal with their situation!! Less boring, you say? Less drama? Maybe, maybe not. How would we know, we've never had a TV show that focuses on what the fathers go through that end up divorced and away from their kids. Maybe it's time we did!

OK, I'm stepping down. :-) I feel better now.

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