Monday, January 3, 2011

Lost Dog

A few weeks ago our elderly dog got out through the garage and we did not know it till later when we discovered him missing. He is nearly blind, and deaf as well as diabetic. We, naturally, were quite concerned and upset. Fortunately he was found the next morning. But the experience taught me several spiritual lessons:

1. I, as a sinner, am lost, blind and deaf to God's call.
2. I was disobedient and wandered away.
3. I could not find my way home.
4. I was cold and hungry.
5. I would have died if my Father/Master had not found me.
6. He left His home to search for me.
7. He kept looking for me, long into the night.
8. He kept looking till He found me.
9. He put out the word/message letting people know he was looking for me.
10. Through the help of others, He found me and I was rejoined with my Father. (God uses people to spread His word and bring others to Him.)
11. There was great joy in the reunion.
12. I was 'starving' when He found me; he filled me with wonderful food and water.
13. He took me home and cleaned me up.
14. I was hurt and He helped me get well, again.
14. He loves me and carried me home, even though I was disobedient and wandered away.
15. Once I returned home, I could rest in peace, and safety and sleep, sleep, sleep.

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