Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Intentions

It has been said that you no longer are to make New Year's Resolutions. Instead, they are to be called Intentions. That's probably a good thing, because that is pretty much what resolutions turn out to be. How many have we made down through the years and never kept? - Maybe not every year. But any year? yeah, we very seldom keep any of them.

So this year, I have some intentions. One of them is to get back to my exercise regimen and healthier eating. I did well for 1 1/2 years and lost xxxxx amout of weight. But when I quit work in May, and began preparing for our "big" move this year, my "routine" and structure fell by the wayside. So I put about 2/3's of the weight back on.

Holidays are the "worst" time to try to diet. I decided that I was going to enjoy the holidays, but as soon as they were over, I was hitting the gym once again. Yesterday, after work I went back to the gym and starting exercising. I walked a mile, carrying some light weights, then worked out on 6 or 7 machines. I put in about 45 minutes of some good exercise.

Already this morning I could tell the difference. Although, having exercised late in the day, I slept very light and woke up about every hour till towards morning. BUT, the good thing was, I woke up (the last time) about an half hour before I usually get up. When I did - I was WIDE AWAKE. Now, you have to understand, I am not a morning person and it takes me awhile to really feel awake and revved.

I'm slow to get started and awake but I'm also slow to wind down at night. It's easy for me to "sleep-in" come morning and it is easy for me to stay up late at night. But today I was wide-eyed and bushy tailed. What did I do? I got up! WOW. That gave me a whole extra half hour in the morning.

I decided to go into work early. As a result, I was able to take an hour for lunch instead of an half hour. Since I did that - I was able to come home during lunch and get some supper cooked for Mike to have when he got up. Maybe he can even take some to work tonight.

Now don't get any bright ideas! I can't promise I'll do that every day. But, my INTENTIONS are to keep up this new routine as much as I can. I don't really have any other planned intentions. But, finishing getting unpacked would probably be a good one to add. But there's also so many other new things I want to get involved in, here in Arkansas that I didn't have the opportunity to do, living in the country in Kansas. So, I don't know how quickly the rest of that unpacking will get done. Well, maybe a year from today, I can an inventory and see just how well my intentions turned out, and just how much of that unpacking I got done.

What about you? Do you even have any? How did you do with your "resolutions" from a year ago? Maybe you ought to make a list of (only) intentions. BTW, there's not as much guilt with having intentions then resolutions if you don't get them done.

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