Friday, June 28, 2013

Mulling it over.

I have some random thoughts tonight...

It has been said that marriage goes through stages. In looking back over the last 40 plus years I will have to agree. Although I will have to say at this point in life I really never expected it to be as it is today. I have 4 wonderful children. I had great expectations. But the Lord and the children had their own ideas! I just assumed my children and my relationship with them would be the same as it was with my parents, and why not? We are in the same family! But alas, there cometh another who entered the picture and his DNA had equal share in having his say! So today, my children are more like the "other side's" family and I find myself sort of (mind you) on the outside! That doesn't mean this is right and that is wrong. It's just different! But they did makes some choices I didn't expect. One child has my personality, another has some of my characteristics, for good or ill. Yet some are so different than me! What an illumination and enlightenment! Redundant, I know!

So I have a choice: cry over my "losses" or accept what I do have and the love I know they have for me? They just chose not to necessarily do "it" the way I would have. And I'm always right,  you know!

I just finished watching the third season of Downton Abbey with a friend. The Dowager, Lady Grantham has some wonderful lines. One of them is "Families are not what they appear to be on the outside."

Well said, my Lady, well said!

This is enough "thoughts" for now. I'll leave the rest for later. Enjoy.

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